Sunday, February 28, 2021

New Church, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: White prompts us to think of the cold. Why use it for a Lovework? Maybe because it's a reminder that the snow season of is now history (and so is our month of LOVE signs). Tomorrow is the first day of spring. Don't think you have to wait three more weeks. Meteorological spring begins at midnight. [2018]

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Covington, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: February is month number 2, so here's a 2fer: a shot of the Humpback Bridge in winter and in summer. Look again and spell out the letters. Where is the V? Virginia used to have two covered bridges built in the 1850s. Now, it has only the one pictured here. Yet, both are still standing. How can that be? Here is a hint about the second. [2017]

Friday, February 26, 2021

Cape Charles, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: First things first: Please notice the Chesapeake Bay waterman checking his traps. Then, notice how the letter E reflects what he is doing. Perhaps you could write a fairy tale about the waterman and the crabs. Why? Because it is Tell a Fairy Tale Day! Or you could fall back on Chessie, the Chesapeake Bay monster. [2020]

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Newport News, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: Newport News City Center radiates love, and the entire city radiates love for shipbuilding. It was on this date in 1933 that the first purpose-built aircraft carrier, the USS Ranger, was launched from the shipyard. Upstage center also reveals the name of the very first aircraft carrier, USS Langley (now the name of a credit union). [2021]

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Tappahannock, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: What famous recording artist comes from Tappahannock? Chris Brown, who released his first collaborative studio album with Tyga on this date in 2015. Two signs guarantee that no matter where you are coming from, you will notice the largest LOVE mural in Virginia. [2019]

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Williamsburg, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: O! It's Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day. Paws [sic] and enjoy it. Better bone up on disc golf, though. It is something you can play with your dog at Waller Mill Park. [2021]

Monday, February 22, 2021

Abingdon, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: It's National Wildlife Day in the Appalachians and around the country. These carnivores are part of LOVE and the "fairy fountain" in Abingdon, but what exactly are they: wolves, coyotes, coywolves? The coywolf, a hybrid that also includes domestic dog, has not been recognized as a species of its own but, as its range expands, stay tuned. [2019]

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Chesapeake, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: Happy Birthday, Sally Jewell, former secretary of the Department of the Interior. As an advocate for the outdoors, don't you just love this work of art? Jewell's connection to Virginia: Former Interim CEO (and still on the Board) of The Nature Conservancy, which was founded in Arlington, and is still headquartered there. [2020]

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: Every day is special, and this one happens to be Love Your Pet Day. Virginia is for Lovers, and Virginia Beach is for Lovers of Animals. So, if you don't have a pet to love, head on down to the animal care and adoption center, and lay claim to some love. [2020] 

Friday, February 19, 2021

Portsmouth, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: Portsmouth is all about water: You can hardly get into the city without taking a bridge or a tunnel. It is also about the Navy. So, we should note that on this date in 1781, the French Navy captured the HMS Romulus and used it to blockade the Chesapeake, making a victory at Yorktown possible and ending the Revolutionary War. [2020]

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Montross, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: LOVE: Focus on the E. What do you get? An uncorked bottle of wine. It's a perfect reminder that today is National Drink Wine Day. That is why you need a whole bottle and not just a glass. Fortunately, there are over 300 wineries in Virginia. Or, you could completely debase yourself and buy a bottle at Wal-Mart. [2017]

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Farmville, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: You don't know anything about Virginia until you have biked the High Bridge Trail in Farmville. Put it on your calendar: Bike and Brew every Wednesday, starting on Main Street and ending at a brewery. No bike? You can walk it, too. Don't you love Virginia State Parks? [2018]

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Norfolk, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: In the Loveworks universe, we want all voices to be heard, so we must have representation for signs that are indoors, like this one at ORF. Those are really fat clouds, perfect for Fat Tuesday, commonly known as Mardi Gras. Lent begins tomorrow. ORF? Google it! [2018] 

Monday, February 15, 2021

Mountfair, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: See those twigs and branches? In the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, love looks like a bird nest, so it seems appropriate to remind everyone that February is National Bird Feeding Month. If you put out a bird feeder in Virginia, you might see nuthatches, chickadees, wrens, cardinals, blue jays, and all sorts of woodpeckers. [2017]

Sunday, February 14, 2021

South Hill, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect:  4 Letters (L O V E) + 3 hearts (red) + 2 geographies (town and state) + 1 word (love) = Welcome to the Feast of St. Valentine, who was beaten to death and beheaded on this day in 269 AD. His crime: performing marriages even though the Roman Emperor had called a moratorium on the practice. [2020]

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Boydton, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: Propose Day has come and gone. Now, Kiss Day, the day before Saint Valentine's Day, is upon us. Here's the promise from Boydton's good citizens: to send all their love in a letter sealed with a kiss. See the love? See the city seal? See the letter O? It's up to you to provide the kiss. Thanks, Brian Hyland. [2020]

Friday, February 12, 2021

Emporia, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: Do you remember that saints' days commemorate the days on which the holy ones died? Yes, St. Valentine died (was not born) on February 14. So, what secular paragon passed away on today's date? Saint Charles Schultz, creator of Peanuts. Look at the photo again, and you will understand. [2020]

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Hampton, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: "U Will Know" the importance of the arts as soon as you get to Armstrong Elementary School, thanks to their Lovework sign. The students might even be commemorating the birthdays of famous artists, such as singer-songwriter D'Angelo. "U Will Know" he was born in Richmond on this date in 1974. [2020] 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

South Boston, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: Opposites attract. That is why you have placid, participatory canoe races next to fast, spectator-packed drag races. On this date in 1990, Paula Abdul's "Opposites Attract" surged to number one rank on the pop charts and remained there for three weeks. Now, apply the opposites-attract concept to the name South Boston! [2020]

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Colonial Beach, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: She loves you, hopefully more than she loves those flip-flops. Yeah yeah, yeah. On this date in 1964, the Beatles performed live on the Ed Sullivan Show, and "She Loves You," was on the setlist. As for the cart on the waterfront: It transforms into a yellow submarine. [2017]

Monday, February 8, 2021

Franklin, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: Are you getting ready for Valentine's Day? Then, you might want to know that today is Propose Day. If that's on your agenda, then Franklin offers some perfect settings for popping the question: out on the water, along Main Street, overlooking the Blackwater River, or in the gazebo. There's a lot of love in historic downtown Franklin. [2020]

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Ashland, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: Unlike other towns of similar size, Ashland has retained its passenger rail station, and everyone who arrives is given a little love, compliments of the town's welcome wagon, which serves up a timeless message on top of a visual reminder of the agricultural past. John Deere altered that past, He was born on this date in 1804 in Vermont. [2018]

Saturday, February 6, 2021

New Kent, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: New Kent County is a fair way from the urban populations of Richmond and Tidewater, but it is located on I-64, which has well positioned it for such genteel activities as golf. Yet, probably no one in New Kent realizes that today is the anniversary of the the first golf drive on the surface of the moon, in 1971 by Alan Shepard. [2021]

Friday, February 5, 2021

Waynesboro, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: Nobody was more in favor of daily constitutionals than Saint L.L. Bean, whose love of the outdoors continues to inspire users of Waynesboro's Constitution Park and settings like this all over the country. He died (in Maine) on this day in 1967. Did you know that saints' days are observed on the day of death, not the day of birth? [2017]

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Lawrenceville, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: Lawrenceville is in Brunswick County. Today is National Homemade Soup Day. So, what do you think is cooking in that cauldron? Brunswick Stew, with a little bit of "love," of course. The folks in Brunswick, Georgia, may test that love, however. They assert, rather unlovingly, that they invented Brunswick Stew! [2020]

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Clarksville, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: The people of Clarksville love Kerr Lake, so they must have been almost heart-broken when their lake, on this date in 1956, reached its lowest level ever. Maybe that dreamcatcher reversed their raison d'être's downward spiral. This is one of a few Loveworks to incorporate the town's name into its design. [2020]

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Warm Springs, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: February is American Heart Month. For the whole country, the aim is to encourage heart-healthy behaviors on the physical side of life. But, Virginia is for Lovers, so we want to encourage heart-healthy emotional behaviors, too. There's only one way to do that: Let love connect you to family, friends, and (shhh...) lovers. [2017]

Monday, February 1, 2021

Bracey, Virginia, USA

Loveworks Connect: The month of February will be devoted to Loveworks around Virginia. The contemporary generation of sculptures and murals was born of a place-making idea launched 50 years ago, in 1971. The idea? "Virginia is for Lovers": See the letter O. The anniversary? 50: See the letter V. Love connects us to the places where we live. [2020]