It's a two-digit turnover this New Year's Eve. We haven't had one for ten years. Not only is it the end of the year, it's also the END of the decade. Think about it: The second decade of the twenty-first century is now history. How fast time flies! It seems like only yesterday, we were all waiting for Y2K. [2013]
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Monday, December 30, 2019
Jessup, Maryland, USA
Let's raise a toast to barbers everywhere, especially the ten to thank for keeping my locks from growing too long in 2019: Jessup, Maryland, Hurricane, Utah, and Freeport, Maine; Portland, Tennessee, and Grinnell, Iowa; Spearfish, South Dakota, and Ocean City, Maryland; Pittsfield, Massachusetts, Ogallala, Nebraska, and Chandler, Arizona. [2019]
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Arkadelphia, Arkansas, USA
If A = geography, and B = haircut-ology, then A∩B = getting shod in different places around the world, a Geographically Yours hobby for most of the 21st century, but systematically documented every December 30 only since 2014. So, here's to one barber in Arkansas who lowered my ears before 2014. [2012]
Saturday, December 28, 2019
New York, New York, USA
If A = geography, and B = haircut-ology, then A∩B = getting shod in different places around the world, a Geographically Yours hobby for most of the 21st century, but systematically documented every December 30 only since 2014. So, here's to one Dominican barber on the Upper West Side who lowered my ears before 2014. [2012]
Friday, December 27, 2019
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
"Tribute to Navajo Code Talkers" by Doug Hyde, 1989: During World War II, a group of about 400 bilingual Navajo Marines constituted a unit tasked with using their native language to encode messages that were vital to the war effort. Their code was unbreakable and helped assure victory for the Allied Powers and peace, which is symbolized by the flute. [2019]
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Prescott, Arizona, USA
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Walla Walla, Washington, USA
What do you think they are singing this time of year? Christmas carols, of course. Given the American flag motif, Jim Brickman's and Five for Fighting's patriotic anthem might be appropriate: "It doesn't matter if you're near or far; it's Christmas where you are." He wrote it for the troops stationed abroad. [2019]
Monday, December 23, 2019
Jefferson City, Missouri, USA
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Amidon, North Dakota, USA
On this Sunday before Christmas, think of this scene as a metaphor for the season. It may not be the Sea of Galilee (nor a baptismal font), and the congregants may not be of human lineage. But, can't you hear them singing, in coded moos: "Yes, we'll gather by the river; gather with the saints at the river, that flows by the throne of God"? [2019]
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Dayton, Washington, USA
Initials aren't the only things you see on western hillsides. Do you recognize the valley of the Jolly Green Giant? Here he be, presiding over his asparagus fiefdom. But, wait! Even though Dayton used to be the home of the world's largest asparagus cannery, those days are gone. The asparagus has migrated to Peru, but the hillside giant has remained behind. [2019]
Friday, December 20, 2019
Hurricane, Utah, USA
It's a good thing that this mountain monogram didn't blow off the hillside. After all, this is Hurricane. But, it's in Utah, which is actually far from the path of any hurricane. Perhaps in Utah any strong wind can be called a hurricane. Perhaps, any strong wind can be brought to a full stop by strategically placed period, too. [2019]
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Lewiston, Idaho, USA
L is for Lewiston, Idaho. It is right across the Snake River from Clarkston, Washington. Their contiguity reunites the team that brought back so much geographic information to President Jefferson: Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. Don't be surprised if there is a Lewis County, a Clark County, and a Jefferson County in both Washington and Idaho. [2019]
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Beatty, Nevada, USA
There are almost 50 mountain monograms in Nevada and hundreds across the western United States. They are made possible by a climate that is dry and a landscape that is treeless. Usually, they derive from the initial letter of a town name, but alternatives include county names, high school names, and even private individual or corporate names. [2016]
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Denver, Colorado, USA
Like Nostradamus (yes, think Russia), we know the outcome of the impeachment and trial (if it happens at all), so all we can do is look forward to the elections next year and hope for a President (and a Congress) we can be proud of again. [2019]
Monday, December 16, 2019
Prescott, Arizona, USA
Impeach Him! Oh, sorry, wrong president. And what was the case against Obama only a month after he had taken office in 2009? Can't remember, can you? On the other hand, the case against his successor has been laid out with factual clarity and now presented for all to judge. Like Nostradamus (think: Russia), though, we know what the outcome will be. [2009]
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Crossett, Arkansas, USA
Do you have your Christmas tree yard set up yet? Some of us remember the days when we would build a Christmas village from plastic snap-together buildings, add some miniature trees and ornaments, lay down the tracks and let Lionel liven up the holidays. Or maybe you just laid the tracks around the base of your tree. [2018]
Friday, December 13, 2019
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Before you enter any mosque in the world, you are obligated to remove your shoes. Outside, they will wait for you. Of course, it is far easier to do in Malaysia, where the tropical climate permits sandals year-around. Actually, though, families almost everywhere in the world will ask you to remove your shoes before entering their homes (exception: USA). [2011]
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Ruse, Bulgaria
How well do you read the architecture of the countries we used to call Eastern Europe? From the end of World War II until 1989, Bulgaria was a Communist dictatorship, and it left a big imprint on the landscape. So, are the facades along this street (a) pre-Communist, (b) Communist, or (c) post-Communist? What about the table umbrellas? [2014]
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Marrakech, Morocco
Jus d'orange is what you might order from this vendor in French-speaking Morocco, but the Arabic word would sound similar: narange (نَارَنْج). The Arabic word comes from Persian, however, and the Persian from Sanskrit of the Indian sub-continent, which gets you closer to Asia, where the orange tree originated. However, some countries use the word portegal. [2010]
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Antwerp, Belgium
Known as the Pagodepoort, Antwerp's ceremonial gateway to Chinatown is one of only a select few in Europe. Probably the best known is in London. Today, Antwerp's Chinatown has become more of an Asiatown, with eateries and businesses representing at least half a dozen Asian countries. [2015]
Monday, December 9, 2019
Cheticamp, Nova Scotia, Canada
Anything out of the ordinary is extraordinary. In this case, the miniature lobster traps and the small lighthouse are extraordinary. People will always take notice if elements of daily life are exponentially smaller or larger than expected. [1993]
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Cheticamp, Nova Scotia, Canada
Remnants of "roadside America" are still found across the post-World War II landscapes of the continent. This one proclaimed itself to be the world's largest lobster trap. It was a little too big to take home, but you might have been able to buy some smaller ones inside. Alas, the tourist trap (literally!) disappeared from Cape Breton Island in the 1990s. [1993]
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Ekalaka, Montana, USA
When Ekalaka celebrates the "Days of '85," Main Street starts to look like Mr. Rogers' neighborhood. (Good movie, by the way.) In 1885, the street would have been shared with horses, but today the horses are at the rodeo, just outside of town. [2019]
Friday, December 6, 2019
Custer, South Dakota, USA
During the Black Hills gold rush, Custer's streets were filled with horses. Now, they are filled with hogs. During the annual Sturgis bike fest, there are so many cyclists in South Dakota, they can't all fit into Sturgis, so they ride to other towns and bring life to their Main Streets. Hogs? Harley Owners Group. [2019]
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Dodgeville, Wisconsin, USA
Compact urban form and walkability: Every once in a while you find an old store-front movie theater that is still operating. Today, the competition is not only from suburban mega-theaters, but also from streaming. Plus, advances in projection technology and theater comfort mean that they can often not afford to keep up. [2019]
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Wabash, Indiana, USA
Compact urban form and walkability: Commercial landscapes like this started to take form in the 1880s and flourished until the 1920s. Then followed fifteen years of depression and war. After that, the automobile put many Main Street enterprises out of business: but not this one! The Eagles Theater survives and is undergoing renovation. [2019]
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
McGregor, Iowa, USA
Compact urban form and walkability: The Barron Block is being refurbished, but the old storefronts are being retained. A building like this was like a contract between the investor and the community. And, like a contract, it was always signed and dated. See the name and date at the top? As if it were the last thing added: just like a contract. [2019]
Monday, December 2, 2019
Sunday, December 1, 2019
St. Charles, Minnesota, USA
Compact urban form and walkability: That's what these old market towns and railroad hubs had going for them. We might use them as models for "greening" our country today. It is always refreshing to find a Main Street that has not succumbed to suburban shopping centers, although it would be even more environmental to see people residing downtown. [2019]
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