Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Contoocook, New Hampshire, USA

You know you love summer with its cooling background colors (greens and blues) and its floral punctuation marks in purple, not to mention red, orange, and yellow. What's the river? The Contoocook, of course. [2018]

Monday, May 30, 2022

Mint Spring, Virginia, USA

Happy Memorial Day! Happy Mint Julep Day! The two go together perfectly: a colder-than-cold drink for a hotter-than-hot summer day. So let's add one more salutation: Happy First Day of Summer! (You know it is!) Do you think you could find a mint julep in Mint Spring on this Memorial Day or any day this summer? [2021]

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Ocean City, Maryland, USA

In Ocean City, the power of place is generated by the beach. That power is amplified by the public art that is featured on at least one of the city's power boxes. What else is used to amplify the power of place? Hint: Focus on the horizon. [2021]

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Providence, Rhode Island, USA

Can you find the power box? It amplifies the power of place by calling attention to the "Superman building," Providence's iconic (though sadly unoccupied) landmark. You know it is important by the two yellow stanchions that protect it from traffic-flow kryptonite. Are you aware of its primary function? [2021]

Friday, May 27, 2022

Huntington, West Virginia, USA

They are called power boxes. Their job is to give access to the underground cables that provide electricity to a passel of homes or businesses. Usually, they are as drab as can be, but starting sometime this century, they came to be noticed by mayors and muralists for their artistic potential. What's the purpose of this one? To amplify the power of place. [2022]

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Shouldn't that be the son on the sidelines looking up to his father, the captain of the boat? Good parenting requires some role reversals, don't you think? [2016] 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Do you recognize these as green coconuts? Inside each husk is a brown nut lined with coconut meat and filled with coconut water. The latter requires no processing other than a puncture which reaches to the inner cavity. Coconut water, consumed right out of the husk, is a popular street beverage throughout Southeast Asia. [2016]

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

How do different cultures influence behavior? That's called cultural context. So, dear Americans, were you wearing a mask in 2016 when this chef was caught preparing a meal? And, dear Americans, were you ever tempted to prepare chicken feet for your family or friends? Southeast Asia and North America: different cultural contexts. [2016]

Monday, May 23, 2022

Panyee, Thailand

In the floating village of Panyee, back in the 1980s, the boys built a floating soccer field and conditioned themselves to play in the local, regional, and then national championships. Do you think they overcame the odds and won any titles? Guess you'll just have to read The Floating Field (2021) by Scott Riley. [2011]

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Panyee, Thailand

In Panyee, the boys could play soccer for only the shortest periods of time. That's because there was no dry land in the floating village. Only when the tide was out could they play on an emergent sandbar. When the tide came back in, the game was over! But, was there a better way? To find out, read The Floating Field (2021) by Scott Riley. [2011]

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Panyee, Thailand

A successful place generates a literature of its own, a corpus of stories that eventually get put to paper. Such is the case with the floating village of Panyee. Want to know how unique life is here? Read The Floating Field (2021) by Scott Riley, which is about how a group of boys, in the 1980s, built their own soccer field out on the waters of Phang Nga Bay. [2011]

Friday, May 20, 2022

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

The old windmill is the oldest landmark in Brisbane. It was reburbished in time for Australia's hundredth anniversary, but in the mid-1800s it was almost demolished because it was built by convict labor during the penal-colony era, which Australia was trying to live down at the time. As a backup to the wind, inmates powered the mill on a treadmill. [1988 and 2006]

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

And then there were four! According to ancient Greek science, four elements constituted the building blocks of the world: earth, air, fire, water. Which one of those ducklings has the personality of earth? of air? of fire? of water? As they learn to fly and take on personalities of their own, they will be the building blocks of future worlds! [2022]

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Darmstadt, Indiana, USA

Another gift of God arrived today. Will his contribution to the world be in the arts or the sciences? If the arts, Nobel laureate in literature Bertrand Russell will be his role model. If the sciences, it will be seismologist Harry Fielding Reid who established that earthquakes result from slippage along geologic faults. Both were born on May 18. [2022]

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Georgetown, Indiana, USA

The new year begins a week after Christmas. It should begin a week after Easter. And, if it began even later, in May for instance, all of nature's decorations would be ready for the celebration of new life. For some, though, the new year – the first year – will begin soon. [2022]

Monday, May 16, 2022

Winooski, Vermont, USA

In the 1970s, no one was impressed with a building just because it was over a hundred years old. In fact, the Winooski Block was lucky to have survived the urban renewal movement: The rest of the neighborhood was leveled. In the 1980s (see the cars!), the building was refurbished and now hosts stores on the ground level and 24 apartments upstairs. [1983]

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA

If you are a high school senior, you know what the Ides of May means! It's time to take a break and enjoy the last few weeks of your high school career. Don't do anything that would jeopardize graduation, but do have some fun and break a few rules. [2021]

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Lansing, West Virginia, USA

You know how Americans are! We just couldn't sit by and let Africa, with its Nile, claim to have the oldest river in the world. In North America, we excel in superlatives, so the title had to be ours. Meet: the New River, which we (some?) claim to be the oldest in the world. So, the New River is an old river, but the new bridge isn't anything like the old bridge. [2021]

Friday, May 13, 2022

Rhyolite, Nevada, USA

Listen up friggatriskaidekaphobes! Today is Friday the 13th. Beware! Bad luck may prevail. It certainly did for Jesus, who was crucified on a Friday. And the night before, at the Last Supper (à la Leonardo di ser Piero in this ghostly masterpiece), there were 13 guests. [2016]

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Jamestown, North Dakota, USA

In the words of Discover Jamestown: "The world’s largest buffalo doesn’t really roam but he does tower over the plains and draw thousands of visitors yearly. While you’re here to see the buffalo, visit the places that inspired the great western writer, Louis L’Amour, who was born and raised in Jamestown, North Dakota." [2021]

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Boise, Idaho, USA

"Emma Edwards Green: Artist and Designer of official Idaho State Seal". The year was 1891, and her design included both a man (representing work) and a woman (representing justice). Mrs. Green remains the only woman to have designed a state seal. Today, its significance is even more impressive because it is the centerpiece of the Idaho state flag. [2020]

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Burlington, Vermont, USA

If a severed head landed in your forest would you look at it or look away? And, would you wonder what the cranium concealed? What about your own head? What does your cranium conceal? What kind of junk would tumble out if it were lopped open: your passions? your worries? your struggles? your visions? Perhaps some art therapy is needed. [2011]

Monday, May 9, 2022

Hartford, Connecticut, USA

Where? That's the fundamental geographic question. Where do you charge your electric vehicle? Eighty-five percent of drivers charge their EVs at home. The remainder look for free-standing stations like this or use facilities at their work place, hotel, or some other public or private establishment. How will more EVs change the cultural landscape? [2022]

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Providence, Rhode Island, USA

The river and the city share a name: Providence. Roger Williams planted the name on the landscape when he detached himself from Massachusetts and set up a colony of his own. What led him to this very spot? God's Divine Providence. [2021]

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Bunkerville, Nevada, USA

According to geographer James Parsons (Landscape 30:1/1988), landmark letters are "typically constructed of whitewashed or painted stones or of concrete [and] are cultural signatures. They serve as conspicuous symbols of community and institutional identity." In this case, the Letter V stand for Virgin Valley. [2019]

Friday, May 6, 2022

St. George, Utah, USA

According to geographer James Parsons (Landscape 30:1/1988), most hillside letters "can be traced to a single decade, 1905-1915. They have almost always been built and maintained by college or high-school student groups." That's the case here. This D was created by students at Dixie Academy (now College) in 1915. [2019]

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Quartzsite, Arizona, USA

According to geographer James Parsons (Landscape 30:1/1988), mountain monograms are "a conspicuous and durable part of the identity of many communities, fortifying institutional allegiances and the sense of place. . . . for travelers in the arid West the letters are 'anchors to the eye,' adding diversity and interest to the natural beauty of the landscape." [2015]

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Beaumont, Texas, USA

So that's why there's nobody on the streets in Beaumont! The dinosaurs have returned and are patrolling the realm. What species is this? [2022]

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Carmi, Illinois, USA

No one drives down Main Street without noticing the rather bland prefab building that now serves as a grocery outlet. What makes it stand out? The little giant out front. He's the one who puts the super in supermarket. In America, size sells. [2022]

Monday, May 2, 2022

Corydon, Indiana, USA

Blue River Chapel identifies with no denomination, and services are limited to Sunday evenings. Given its wilderness-like location and cul-de-sac access, few people attend. Still, it does one thing of mega-importance for the community: It hosts a prosperous-looking and well-cared for cemetery. Kudos to Blue River Chapel. [2022]

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Louisville, Kentucky, USA

The northeastern seaboard dominated America's urban geography in the early 1800s. But by mid-century, a network of river cities in the trans-Appalachian west began to challenge the existing order. By 1840, Louisville was solidly among the "top 20" urban places in the U.S., and it held that status for at least four decades. Why? Location on the Ohio River. [2022]