Sunday, March 31, 2019

Rotorua, New Zealand

What do New Zealand and Hawaii have in common? They are both island groups in Polynesia. What else? They are both ridden by rainbows. [2006]

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Antwerp, Belgium

The penguins have chosen to emerge from the refrigerator behind them, probably because they like to be the center of attention. Perhaps, they will be immortalized by this artist or one of his companions. If it could happen to the wife of Francesco del Giocondo, it could happen to them. (She now lives in the Louvre.) [2015]

Friday, March 29, 2019

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Do you think these joggers, with their colorful costumes and quasi-choreographed moves, know they are engaging in performance art? They are so much more inspirational and attention-getting than that lifeless statue they passed when they came through the gate (see it?). [2018]

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Marbella, Andalusia, Spain

Academic field trips have been eliminated from American public schools, but not in Spain. Here, los estudiantes are using their home town to sharpen their skills of observation, to practice recording information, to develop an affinity for data-based facts, and to learn something about where they live in the process. Never happens in the United States! [2015]

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Upper Rock, Gibraltar

Buttercups enjoy the view from atop The Rock just as much as humans do. But the views are different: Humans look down at the harbor; buttercups look up at the sun. [2015]

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

La Verkin, Utah, USA

Thanks to so much public land, there are large areas of Utah where you can pitch a tent and watch the snow melt. In this case, the meltwater of the Pine Valley Mountains feeds the Virgin River, a tributary of the Colorado, which has formed a spectacular canyon of its own just southwest of here. Not far away is the Grand Canyon. [2019]

Monday, March 25, 2019

Lake Havasu City, Arizona, USA

Desert sunflowers add to the brilliance of this year's super bloom. In addition, they have assistance from other bands of the spectrum: orange cups, purple desert lupine, and lots of green. Don't forget to appreciate the green! It's the photosynthesis that makes flowering possible. And, green is not a normal desert color! [2019]

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Needles, California, USA

Performing now on a desert stage (probably not near you): the golden suncup. The show began in early March, the last month of the rainy season. It will continue until soaring daytime temperatures turn the landscape brown for the rest of the year. Where can you see this show? The Mojave Desert. [2019]

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Mojave Valley, Arizona, USA

To get a super bloom like this, it takes lots of rain, cold nights, and low daytime temperatures. Let's hope all these wildflowers produce lots of seeds and set up conditions for another super bloom soon. [2019]

Friday, March 22, 2019

Ibis, California, USA

The locals are calling it a super bloom. A wet winter has brought out springtime colors all over the Mojave Desert. Yellows and purples predominate, but every color of the rainbow is on display. Go now, or take your chances that next year's bloom won't be quite so super. Remember, super blooms rarely happen two years in a row. [2019]

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Colorado River, Arizona and Nevada, USA

Only a few miles upstream is one of the Colorado's dams; so, the sediment that would normally turn these waters brown are now impounding behind the barrage. Looking downstream: Bullhead City is on the left; Laughlin is on the right. As for the wildflowers: A wet spring brings out the Mojave's colors. [2019]

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Nipton, California, USA

The Hotel California was built in 1910, not long after Nipton was founded as a rail head for the local cattle ranches and mines. Today, it is being brought back to life, complete with lots of modern art (like this basked of tomatoes), frequent nods to history, and one hopeful nod to something more contemporary that is sweeping the nation. [2019]

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Boulder City, Nevada, USA

Mid-March: Is it the end of winter or the beginning of spring? Space scientists would say the end of winter. Earth scientists would say the beginning of spring. Like everything else, we can't even agree on the day spring begins. Is it March 1 (according to the meteorologists and the bikers) or March 20 (according to the astronomers and the trees)? [2019]

Monday, March 18, 2019

Apple Valley, Utah, USA

It doesn't look like crops have grown here for a while. But, when you have flat land along a river (See the line of trees in the background?), you know that agriculture is a distinct possibility. What you will need, though, is a discer to chop us that packed soil. [2019] 

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Lake Havasu City, Arizona, USA

Lots of people drink green beer on St. Patrick's Day; but, how many people sport a green beard? Holidays mean different things to different people, but they present everyone with the chance to be creative. [2019]

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Kralendijk, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

In 2015, the residents of Bonaire were asked to vote on yet another status referendum: "Do you agree with the current status, which is a direct link to the Netherlands?" 65 percent voted No. Since no doesn't always mean no, another referendum will be held sometime in the future. In the meantime, Bonaire is part of the Caribbean Netherlands. [2017]

Friday, March 15, 2019

Brussels, Belgium

For those traveling to Belgium, the Sunday market near Gare du Midi (the busiest rail station in Brussels) should not be missed. If you visit, be prepared to see how Belgians with deep roots in the Low Countries have taken to the services provided by recent immigrants from North Africa. [2015]

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Ruse, Bulgaria

Which one is баба? Which one is внучка? If you know the Russian language, you recognize the Cyrillic alphabet and realize how closely Bulgarian is related to Russian. It is what you might expect if you remember that the first Bulgarian state was located along the Volga River in what is now Russia. [2014]

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Jerusalem, Israel

In which quarter of Jerusalem do these boys live? (a) the Jewish quarter; (b) the Armenian quarter; (c) the Christian quarter; (d) the Muslim quarter. Some friends of theirs have the answer. [2010]

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Panama City, Panama

Panama City has a population of under one million, and the entire country has a population of only 4 million. How does an independent state so small generate a skyline that looks like Miami's? If you don't know the answer, you better study geography. [2017]

Monday, March 11, 2019

Outer Banks, North Carolina, USA

Exactly two weeks ago on North Carolina's Outer Banks: sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean as seen from Bodie Island, sunset over the Pamlico Sound as seen from Ocracoke Island. Perfect bookends for a perfect day. [2019]

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Do you use your places of worship to brag about your roots? Baltimoreans do. For, in Baltimore, is "America's First Cathedral." What would you expect in the state that began as a refugee colony for England's Roman Catholics? Basilica status came in 1937. [2019]

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Do you put your city hall in the center of civic life? Philadelphians do. Since it was laid out in ____ (Read the historical marker!), the center square was intended to anchor the city. It was not until 1871, however, that construction would begin on the "Second Empire" building that dominates the city today. Who is that man on top? [2017]

Friday, March 8, 2019

Everglades City, Florida, USA

Here, nestled around the central square, are the twin anchors of Everglades City: The church and the city hall. What's nestled around the heart of your community? Do you put your city hall in the center of civic life? Do you use your places of worship to brag about your roots? [2018]

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Paulding, Ohio, USA

"Feed my lambs" was Jesus' admonition to Peter. But, did he really mean to feed them BBQ? Or, did he mean to feed them love? Here, at Paulding's House of Love, an outreach ministry, it is both. [2018]

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Welsh Run, Pennsylvania, USA

There's likely to be a service here tonight. It's Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season, a time set aside for Christians to reflect on what the Son of Man went through during his 40 days in the desert. Given the name of the town, Welsh Run, you might expect this church to be Methodist. Rather, it's Presbyterian. [2018]

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

In New Orleans, the biggest fête of all takes place the day before Ash Wednesday. That's today: Fat Tuesday, a.k.a., Mardi Gras. It's the last chance to make merry, get rid of all your naughtiness, and consort with one last fortuneteller. Tomorrow begins the most somber season of the Christian year: Lent. [2014]

Monday, March 4, 2019

Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Vermont was the first state to be admitted to the union after the original 13. Before accession, on this date in 1791, it had been a republic of its own since 1777. As for Montpelier, it is the least populous state capital in the U.S. What's a gold-leaf dome doing out in the middle of the country? Below is a view of the capitol from the Winooski River. [2018 and 2001]

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Ever see anything like it? A three-wheeler with the third wheel in the back. Turns out it's Quebec's contribution to the world of inspired cars: a T-REX (which makes some of us think of dinosaurs). Since 2000, it's been available in the United States, too. [2018]

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Marrakech, Morocco

You won't get a car through the narrow streets of Marrakech's medina, but it might work for a scooter. What's a medina? It's an Arabic word that simply means 'city,' but in Morocco it refers specifically to the old, walled city. [2017]

Friday, March 1, 2019

Cardiff, Wales, UK

The daffodil is the national flower of Wales, and March 1 is the national holiday. Let's hope these daffs find a home garden where they can root and flower before St. David's Day. Oh, wait! That's today! If you think this Jersey produce began its life in New Jersey, think again! [2015]